Lady Sulis

Living the smell good, feel better life

The Scent Of Love

To love is to live but to not is to live blissfully if you ask a weary soul. Since a while now, I had been stuck in some sort of a self induced exile where I have been trying to keep away from whatever my heart desired.. Good food… Great conversations and as the long break from the blog explains…anything that smelt or felt divine. Why? Because the path of desire comes with a very many disappointments, often turning a simple desire into a hard earned luxury which one is tuen to exhausted to enjoy.


What love smells like…

For instance…  My favourite fragrance when it  comes to the morning deo, Adorable Me by Rasasi is one desire that’s almost always out of stock everywhere. Often, I have bought them in bulk whenever I spot that cheerful happy bottle hiding behind a line of powdery-smelling pinks and whites. Far from flowery or fruity, this one smells like just the right amount of sunshine. Not too sweet.. Not too strong… But a strong fresh fragrance that lingers without threatening to disrupt the balance of other elements.

For weeks now, I have been going without it; making do with Lace by Yardley. No points for guessing what it smells like. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with its ultra feminine dreamy powdery self, I figured I have reached the point where complacency was no longer convenient, but becoming suffocatingly uninspiring. Complacency could start with something as simple as a fragrance but end up affecting a lot more eventually; moods, actions, thoughts and decisions. I may sound like I have an ‘Adorable Me’ OCD but trust you me, life is no fun unless you are obsessive about at least half a dozen things.

And so last evening, I stepped out, half skeptical of finding that familiar fragrance… that inspiring scent…that what smells like love. More than an hour of store-hopping later, did I find it? No. Love continues to be elusive. But what I discovered was this… Disappointments are just another milestones in the pursuit of perfection, desire and inspiration.

So whether we find what we love right away or we don’t, the important thing is to every once in a while, let us close our eyes, take a deep breath, inhale and memorise what love smells like. Because sooner or later, we are likely to find it. Even if it comes in an ordinary shape minus fancy packaging. And when that happens, we want to sniff it out in a crowd and guide it home.

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